Waidis 2019

01. Overview

Waidis is a cutting-edge tech HR startup that offers innovative digital solutions for efficient business processes in recruiting personnel for pharmaceutical stores across Spain. With its expertise in recruitment, the company has created a powerful SaaS platform. This video showcases the main features of the software during the user experience.

02. Key Insights


Valencia, Spain (Hybrid)


SaaS platform video presentation


Recruitment – HR


Art director and video animator




3 weeks – remote

03. Objectives

1. Show all the SaaS main highlights.

2. Duration: less than 2 minutes.

3. Brand image applied and tech business music.

4. Stick to the script and copy´s given.

5. Dynamic presentation, avoiding static images or UI.

04. Script

The video is composed of  4 main segments + intro and closing: 

1. Login.

2. Dashboard:  2a.Create, 2b. Edit, 2c. Configure Process.

3. Conversacional Experiences: 3.1 Invite, 3.2 Branding.

4. Evaluation, 4.1 Performance & Selection. 

All the copy´s are part of each section.

05. Design

After receiving the brief, the next step was brainstorming the storyboard. The main concept involved showcasing a computer displaying the UI throughout the experience. The computer would move—rotating, zooming in and out—while highlighting the interface as described in the video captions.


One challenge we faced was creating the SaaS animations. Since we only had static screens, we had to build the animations from scratch, which required extra time. 


We used a 3D laptop template in After Effects to incorporate the animations, then adjusted the music, captions, and timing accordingly. In the end, feedback was received and changes were made on time.

06. Tools

07. Results

  • The script and design approach were perfectly aligned, telling a coherent story that highlighted the platform’s key features, making it easier for users to understand and engage with the product.
  • The design successfully met the objectives of creating a modern, clean look, focusing on showing the customer journey and providing a clearer understanding of the SaaS services.
  • The custom illustrations and color schemes were designed to resonate with Waidis’ target audience, helping to communicate any brand’s values and improve user retention.
  • The presentation is highly dynamic and keeps the viewer engaged throughout. However, at times, it moves too quickly and contains too much content, making it harder to follow. Readability could be improved by slowing down the pace, reducing movement, and potentially creating a longer version to provide more clarity.